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Welcome to Poder Civico Now

POsitive DEviance in BRazil:
CIVIl soCiety nOurishing

if not NOW, when?


PODER CIVICO Now seeks to find the Brazil that works, shine a light on it, attract new and generous supporters, and create runway for social impact to grow.


PODER CIVICO Now focuses where engagement and action may lead to transformational impact. We are currently working with partners across the following projects:


Public benefit corporation

Creating deep and meaningful  human connections between global citizens and communities in Brazil.

Coming soon

Quality Education

Pre-schools in Maranhão and science teacher networks across the country

Coming soon


1065 SW 8th Street, Unit #403
Miami, FL 33130, US

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About us

I returned to Brazil after 22 years in the U.S., where I had the privilege of leading a private foundation and using the power of private resources to help address intractable societal challenges. Coming back, I knew I’d find no shortage of such issues, so my goal was to find the Brazil that works. I have invested my time going to conferences, talking to sector leaders and staff, traveling, asking questions, and learning a lot. I am thrilled to take what I have learned and launch a three-pronged portfolio under the brand PODER CIVICO Now – POsitive DEviance in BRazil: CIVIl soCiety nOurishing..

Poder Civico Now